through Thursday morning: Partly cloudy, becoming cloudy at times with isolated
Forecast High: 31°C / 88°F Forecast Low: 26°C / 79°F
Sunset Today: 5:35 P.M. Sunrise Tomorrow: 6:21 A.M.
through Thursday morning: Northwesterly to west southwesterly with a light to gentle
breeze of 04 to 10 mph, becoming lighter and variable at times.
Weak instability along with available moisture due to the proximity of Tropical Storm Sebastian will account for isolated showers across the local area. In addition, a slack pressure gradient will maintain light winds
Seas are expected to peak near 7 feet during the next few days. Small craft operators and sea-bathers should exercise caution.
STATE OF THE SEA: Slight to Moderate WAVES/SWELLS: 4 to 7 feet
SPECIAL FEATURE: At 5:00 am, the center of Tropical Storm Sebastian was located near latitude 21.0 North, longitude 61.0 West or about 248 miles northeast of St. Maarten. Sebastian is moving toward the northwest near 08 mph with maximum sustained winds of 50 mph and higher gusts.
Tropical Storm Sebastian is expected to remain over open waters with a turn to the north-northwest and north today, then a turn to the northeast tonight. Tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 150 miles from the center.
Tropical Storm Sebastien is not forecast to have a direct impact on St. Maarten.
The Meteorological Department will continue to monitor this system.
OUTLOOK through Friday morning: Partly cloudy with isolated showers possible.