WEATHER: Today through Sunday morning: Fair to partly cloudy, hazy and breezy with a chance of brief local showers.
Forecast High: 32°C / 90°F Forecast Low: 27°C / 81°F
Sunset Today: 6:49 P.M. Sunrise Tomorrow: 5:49 A.M.
Today through Sunday morning: East to Northeast with a gentle
to moderate breeze of 08 to 16 miles per hour.
The regional weather is being affected by a dry air mass which will significantly reduce the possibility of showers. However, low level patches of clouds traversing the area could still produce some brief local showers.
The Atlantic high pressure system will maintain brisk winds across the region for the next few days.
Varying concentrations of Saharan dust will continue to produce hazy conditions over the next several days. Persons with allergies should take the necessary precautions.
Seas are expected to be moderate with wave heights up to 7 feet for the next couple of days. Small craft operators and sea bathers should exercise caution.
STATE OF THE SEA: Moderate WAVES/SWELLS: 5 to 7 feet
OUTLOOK through Monday morning: Fair to partly cloudy, hazy and breezy with brief local showers possible.