HOPE ESTATE, Sint Maarten — The National Institute for Professional Advancement (NIPA) is working hard at fulfilling their mandate of excellence throughout the community. Recently Rotary Club of St. Martin Sunset invited members of NIPA along with other industry professionals to participate in vocational skills training workshops. The vocational development workshops called, “Level Up,”
were part of Rotary’s Vocational Service month. The NIPA is continually searching for opportunities to give back as well as collaborate with others in the interest of education. The main objective of the workshop was to provide students at the fifth form level with essential vocational skills. The workshop was held on January 25, at the Marie Genevieve De Weever School in Hope Estate. Some of the topics covered included, effective resume building, interview etiquette and effective time management.
Mrs. Andrea Paul Gibson, a member of the NIPA staff and certified life skills instructor, was selected to host the topic of time-management during the workshops. The students seemed to have been very receptive to the information given during Mrs. Paul’s presentation. The time management lessons started with icebreakers, which helped to ease the students into the rest of the day. The session was interactive and invited the students as well as a few Rotary Club members to participate. “Teaching the session outside of my comfort zone at NIPA affords me the opportunity to hone my skills and interact with a different audience. I am able to teach students as well as bring something back to my own classroom.” Said Mrs. Paul of her experience.