NL – In 22 of the 25 regions, the vaccination of healthcare workers will begin ahead of schedule. The injections will be made available throughout the country by January 15, three days earlier than planned.
In Hart voor Brabant, Rotterdam, and Utrecht, the process will begin on January 8. Amsterdam, Drenthe, and Haaglanden will follow on January 11, a week earlier than planned. The remaining 20 locations will open on the 15th instead of the 18th.
According to a spokesperson for the umbrella organization of the local health agencies GGD GHOR Nederland, the news did not come as much of a surprise. “We have planned realistically. And if you are realistic, don’t have any major setbacks, and you all work hard, you sometimes catch up on the schedule. We strive to do it as quickly as possible, within the framework of due care,” he said.
Appointments can be made starting Monday
Starting Monday, thousands of people who work in nursing homes will receive an invitation to get vaccinated against the coronavirus. The GGD call center will open at 8.00 a.m., where 2000 employees are ready to schedule appointments for vaccinations that will be administered starting Friday. The call center is open seven days a week from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.
The GGD will deploy some 350 to 400 employees to administer the injections at 26 vaccination centers. Pharmaceutical companies BioNTech and Pfizer have committed to providing enough injections for 225,000 people. The GGD stated that there are currently enough qualified employees to start. However, more qualified staff is still being sought to be able to vaccinate more people in the near future.
The vaccination of employees from acute care and general practitioners, who have been given priority, will not take place at those locations. This process will most likely happen in about ten hospitals across the country.