PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – For 2021, International Literacy Day is being celebrated under the theme “Literacy for a human-centered recovery: Narrowing the digital divide”. September 8th was declared by UNESCO on October 26, 1966 at the 14th session of UNESCO’s General Conference as International Literacy Day.
This year UNESCO wanted to shed light on how the COVID-19 crisis has disrupted the learning of children, young people, and adults at an unprecedented scale. From the data collected, UNESCO concluded that “COVID-19 has magnified the pre-existing inequalities in access to meaningful literacy learning opportunities, disproportionately affecting 773 million non-literate young people and adults. The rapid shift to distance learning, UNESCO determined, has resulted in a ‘digital divide’ in terms of connectivity, infrastructure, and the ability to engage with technology, as well as disparities in other services such as access to electricity, which has limited learning options.”
UNESCO is therefore reminding its member states and associate members, which St. Maarten is an associate member, of the critical importance of literacy, and its significance of empowering individuals and improving their lives by expanding their capabilities to choose a kind of life they can value.
UNESCO considers literacy to be the driver for sustainable development; an integral part of education and lifelong learning; Sustainable Development Goal 4, and is central to a human-centered recovery from the COVID-19 crisis.
Drs. Rodolphe Samuel remarked: “As Minister of ECYS, I agree with the statements of UNESCO that we must narrow the ‘digital divide’ and continue to ensure that all students have access to devices, connectivity, and services that will ensure that the learning process is continued uninterrupted when reverting to distance learning is necessary due to the COVID-19 pandemic.”
To commemorate International Literacy Day 2021, a number of social clubs, organizations and schools have and will be organizing virtual reading events and face to face literacy activities. I would like to acknowledge the United Women Book Club and Author Robin Boasman on the reading of her book: Lizzy Lizard at the Emilio Wilson Park over the weekend in light of International Literacy Day. The Philipsburg Jubilee Library on its Virtual Story-time sessions, which can be viewed on its Facebook page, the “A Book a Day” initiative, by Rotary Club of St. Martin Sunset reading at various elementary schools during the month of September, the reading to children at Daycare centers which is being planned by Rotary Club of St. Martin Sunrise. And today, I too will be giving a presentation at the Rotary Club of St. Maarten for International Literacy Day. Happy International Literacy Day Everyone!