GREAT BAY, Sint Maarten (DCOMM) – The Inspectorate of the Ministry of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunications (Ministry TEATT), is issuing a reminder to all taxis and bus permit holders that according to the Regulation of the Prime Minister of May 16, 2020, to determine Phase II that “Business and Services allowed to resume operations must adhere to the guidelines outlined in addendum 2, entitled ‘COVID-19 Prevention and Safety Plan for the Business Community of Sint Maarten,’ and must have their operational plans in place prior to opening to the public. Failure to do so, will result in closure of the business.”
With respect to the provision of passenger transport services, you must implement and abide by the guidelines found in section 4.1, 4.2 or 4.3 of the aforementioned Prevention and Safety Plan (whichever section is applicable to your category of business).
4.1 Specific Guidelines for Buses – Public Transport
1. Stick a multilingual laminated notice outside of the bus at the entrance explaining the rules to all passengers who want to make use of the service
2. Determine and only allow the maximum number of persons per bus type for boarding at 50% of the seating capacity of the vehicle
3. Passengers should be seated at the window seats
4. Only pick up and drop passengers at designated bus stops (bushaltes)
5. Ensure that the driver and passengers comply with the rules
6. Do not allow passengers to sit on the seat next to the driver
7. Mark the seats that can be used and those seats that cannot be used
8. Ensure each passenger properly wears a facemask as a strict condition for boarding
9. The driver properly wears a facemask during services
10. Get passengers to put only the exact amount for the trip in a box or in a bag on the chair closest to the driver (no change can be provided)
4.2 Specific Guidelines for School buses
1. The same as for public transport buses, with the exception of point 10
2. Maximum of 50% of seating capacity, contingent on meeting 2 meter social distancing.
3. Ensure orderly boarding and leaving of the school bus.
4.3 Specific Guidelines for Taxis
1. Allow a maximum of 2 passengers of the same family in sedan types of taxi
2. Sharing a ride in a taxi with other persons is not allowed
3. Passenger(s) to take the back seat of the sedan type of taxi
4. Driver and passenger(s) are to properly wear a facemask
5. Request passengers to pay the exact amount for the trip (no change can be provided) and to put the money on the seat next to the driver to avoid physical contact
6. For bus types of taxis, refer to the guidelines for Buses – Public Transport (with the exception of point 4)
Your failure to abide by these guidelines can result in sanctions. A template of the Prevention and Safety Plan can be found on page 17 of the aforementioned document.
The Prevention and Safety Plan is on the government’s website at, under the section National Laws & Gazette.
Click on the year 2020 and scroll down and click the link, “Bijlage 2 Final Guidelines to prepare COVID19 Prevention and Safety Plan for Businesses – 16 May 2020.pdf” to download the file.
The providers of tours are also reminded that with Phase III commencing per June 1, 2020 the requirement for a prevention and safety plan is also applicable to them in order to resume operations. If you have questions or concerns, please email