ACTUALIDAD ¡Examen de mamas y evaluación de salud GRATIS para mujeres! by The Admin February 14, 2025
ACTUALIDAD El CPS aprueba la sesión del grupo de apoyo para el cáncer de mama programada para el jueves por la noche January 29, 2025
ACTUALIDAD Encendiendo la esperanza: La Universidad Bíblica Grace Hill organiza una clase magistral sobre prevención del suicidio en asociación con el Ministerio VSA y Victorious Living January 28, 2025
ACTUALIDAD ¡Únase a nosotros en nuestra primera sesión del año del grupo de apoyo para el cáncer de mama! January 27, 2025
Salúd Hospitalizations, deaths tied to Covid-19 continue to fall; Another 101 killed THE NETHERLANDS - The number of coronavirus related hospital admissions in the Netherlands rose by 260, according to figures... by The Admin April 6, 2020
Salúd PAHO appeals for $95 million to help Latin America and the Caribbean cope with the COVID-19 pandemic WASHINGTON, DC - A donor appeal from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) is seeking $94.8 million to fund... by The Admin April 3, 2020
Salúd Slight decline in Covid-19 ICU patients while death toll rises to 1,487 NETHERLANDS - Another 148 patients in the Netherlands who tested positive for coronavirus have died. The total number of infected people... by The Admin April 3, 2020
Salúd Number of persons with COVID 19 moves from 16 to 19 PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten - The number of persons who now have Covid 19 has moved from 16 to 18,... by The Admin April 2, 2020
Salúd Coronavirus: WHO advisers to assess face mask use by public (BBC) —Should more of us wear face masks to help slow the spread of coronavirus? This question is to... by The Admin April 2, 2020
Salúd Coronavirus deaths top 1,300; Nurses alarmed by ICU staff shortages The number of coronavirus related deaths in the Netherlands topped 1,300 on Thursday. Public health institute RIVM reported that... by The Admin April 2, 2020
ACTUALIDAD Panneflek: Let’s combat COVID-19 together PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — The Honorable Minister of VSA Richard Panneflek expresses his deepest sympathies to the bereaved family... by The Admin April 1, 2020
Salúd WHO issues a rare public scolding, saying countries wasting time, should maintain lock-downs despite cost (BLOOMBERG) – Governments should stop wasting precious time needed to fight the coronavirus after squandering an opportunity to prevent... by The Admin April 1, 2020
Salúd Measures against corona crisis extra though on vulnerable children Vulnerable children have a particularly hard time during the corona crisis and the measures regarding ‘social distancing’. There is... by The Admin March 31, 2020
Salúd Coronavirus vaccine research in Leiden lands $1 billion investment from U.S., Johnson&Johnson THE NETHERLANDS - Johnson & Johnson and the United States Department of Health pushed 1 billion dollars into a... by The Admin March 31, 2020