WEATHER: This morning: Partly cloudy to cloudy and hazy with brief showers possible.
This Afternoon through Wednesday morning: Fair to partly cloudy and hazy.
Forecast High: 31°C / 88°F Forecast Low: 26°C / 79°F
Sunset Today: 6:51 P.M. Sunrise Tomorrow: 5:39 A.M.
Today through Wednesday morning: Northeasterly to southeasterly with
a gentle to moderate breeze of 08 to 16 mph.
Low-level moisture will account for few cloudy spells and brief showers during the early part of this forecast period. A more stable atmosphere can be expected as the day progresses. A Saharan dust layer is expected to move across the region during the next few days. As a result, persons with allergies and respiratory illnesses should continue to take the necessary precautions.
Slight to moderate sea conditions will persist for the next few days.
STATE OF THE SEA: Slight to Moderate WAVES/SWELLS: 3 to 5 feet
OUTLOOK through Thursday morning: Partly cloudy and hazy with brief showers possible.